Monday, March 19, 2007

Media attacked for "climate-porn"

I like that new term. The six-o'clock news shows should use
that as the title for their "Prophet Al" segments every time they
talk about anthropogenic global warming. Something about truth
in advertising, don'tcha know.
A sample:"The awesome truth is that we are the last generation to enjoy the kind of climate that allowed civilisation to germinate, grow and flourish since the start of settled agriculture 11,000 years ago."

Gosh, I don't think that's alarmist. That's just impartial, scientific fact.

"If our readers thought we put climate change on our front pages for the same reason that porn mags put naked women on their front pages, they would stop reading us. "
Ian Birrell, The Independent

That's because you have them scared to death and you're tellingthem that this is FACT you're printing and backing it up by slanderinganyone who is skeptical as being a shill to the oil companies. They're caught up in it the same way Americans panicked at Orson Wells's "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. They didn't know it was balderdash, so they reacted as if to a real emergency. Give both sides of the argumentequal time and people will start abandoning publications that use scare tactics.

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