Monday, March 19, 2007

How to save the world... at no cost to the rich and powerful

Hey all you people fighting for cap and trade on carbon emissions. This is the future you are so earnestly fighting for. And guess what.... you aren't going to get the same immunity from these laws that your heroes will. You'll be tossed right back into the masses when they're done with you.

This story from the U.K. shows the Brave New World Al Gore is envisioning for the 'unwashed masses' like you and me. I'm sure the politicians and ultra-rich will be subject to the same restrictions they propose for us... aren't you????

Harsh new taxes on air travel, including a strict personal flight "allowance", will be unveiled by the Conservatives tomorrow as part of a plan that would penalise business travellers, holidaymakers and the ourist industry.

The Conservatives will also suggest - most controversially of all - rationing individuals to as little as a single short-haul flight each year; any further journeys would attract progressively higher taxes, a leaked document entitled Greener Skies suggests.

In a further departure from Tory tradition, the party will underline its green credentials by welcoming Al Gore, the Democrat former US vice-president, to a meeting of the shadow cabinet on Thursday.

Among the proposals, which the Tories insist are options for consultation, are:

Charging fuel duty or VAT on domestic flights. The document notes that there are "no legal barriers" to introducing either levy and adds: "We have pledged that any additional revenues from environmental taxes that we propose at the next election will be offset by equivalent reductions in other forms of taxation."

Replacing the £10 to £80 Air Passenger Duty with a per-flight tax levied on airlines which would penalise the dirtiest engines the hardest.

A personal "green air miles allowance" which would punish those who flew more often with a higher tax rate. The document states: "For example, everyone could be entitled to one short-haul return flight per year at the standard rate of tax, but additional flights would be charged at a higher rate."


carnivorous duck groupie said...

Oh my God!!! I thought Carnivorous Duck was dead!!! Imagine my surprise (and sheer excitement) when I saw this on my computer this morning. Carnivorous Duck ROCKS!!!! LONG LIVE THE DUCK!

Carnivorous Duck said...

Yes, Virginia, there is a Carnivorous Duck, and he lives. He exists as certainly as impatience, fungus, hernias, and stupidity exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its greatest frustration and stress.

Yes, the Carnivorous Duck lives. All hail Carnivorous Duck!!!