Sunday, March 25, 2007

Why I Don't Have to Recycle Any More

There's a family of four in NYC that is trying to have zero impact on the environment. They're eschewing toilet paper, elevators, and everything else that is killing polar bears or whatever the latest shrill over-reaction talking point is this month (he actually mentions polar bears drowning... and eating themselves as a result of our just living our lives).

That means, thanks to Al Gore's "offset" idea, that means four other people don't have to bother recycling or any of that other crap. I grab first dibs, so there are three more slots left. Run, don't walk, to the sign-up station!

This is what the Competitive Enterprise Institute says about Gore's "drowning polar bears" exageration: (Click here to see what else CEI has to say about Gore's 'over-representation' of truth in the film)

• Claims polar bears “have been drowning in significant numbers,” based on a report that found four drowned polar bears in one month of one year, following an abrupt storm.

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